On the 23rd and 24th of January 2025, our network of experts from Bulgaria, France, Portugal, Sweden and Germany met in person for the first time in Göttingen to discuss the development of our multinational Participa City Erasmus+-project that aims to enhance inclusion and participation of ethnic and cultural minorities in Europe through gamified learning.
After we got to know each other better, we dived into the dynamics of the game and were able to gain valuable insights through the practical application of different role-play situations. By sharing personal reflections and engaging in discussions about the adaptation of the simulation game to the respective circumstances of racism prevention in the partner countries we created the basis for the further development of the game material.
We are looking forward to the time ahead in our project and are happy that we are able to collaborate with so many committed people from all over Europe. Our next steps are the conducting of a transnational analysis on racism prevention in Europe and developing a train-the-trainer course on the game’s methodology.
Discrimination happens in our allday-life as well as in institutions. People are excluded from equal participation for various reasons at school and authorities, in organisations and economy, in the neighbourhood and society. Discriminative structure are deeply anchored in our societies, have historical reasons and can only be reduced if people get conscious about these structures and get open to reflect their own perceptions and activities. The role game „Participa City“ invites people to think about their understanding of discrimination, to question it critically, to perceive discriminating behaviour in allday life and to look for different ways of action.
In allday life situations such as at the railway station, on the sport yard, on the playingground, or in the job center of the fictitious town „participa city“, the players take the roles of different persons with various backgrounds and from different origins. They meet in short playing situations and are concerned by discriminating statements or behaviour as well as actions. By reflecting these situations, the participants can come up with alternative options. The game adresses employees and decision makers in administrations, in job centers, education institutions and other organisations that act as multipliers into society. By acting and deciding more sensitive concerning discrimination, they can improve the chances for participation in society.
With the collaboration of six experienced partners from five countries, we are exploring the challenges in the prevention of racism and discrimination of ethnic and cultural minorities in Europe, identifying competence gaps of adult education providers and key persons in the field of racism prevention, educating Adult Education trainers and gate keepers on how to avoid racism and discrimination and providing the Participa City game in a European version as a gamified digital tool to contribute to the prevention of racism and discrimination.
These are the partners in our ERASMUS+-project:
Know & Can Ltd. / Bulgaria, Storytellme / Portugal, SwIdeas AB / Sweden, GRDR Migration – Citoyenneté – DéveloppementGRDR Migration – Citoyenneté – Développement / France and blinc eG / Germany.
On the basis of the German version of the game, we adapt in to the situation in our European partner countries.
We aim at preventing racism and discrimination of ethnic and cultural minorities in Europe, developing prevention strategies to reduce the negative consequences of discrimination, strengthening participation of ethnic and cultural minorities in European society, sensitising decision makers to avoid discriminatory structures and practices and fostering a diversity-friendly climate and inclusive society in Europe.
Follow our activities on the project website.